Herbal Wisdom For Dogs and Their People

Mind, Body and Spirit


In order to achieve true healing, mind, body and spirit, we must embrace the body as an ecosystem, as a direct reflection of nature.


The Herbal Dog by Rita Hogan

“The Herbal Dog takes the reader far into the realm of true holistic heal-
ing, where the underlying causes of what ails millions of companion dogs
must be addressed from a perspective that recognizes true wellness as
something that cannot occur unless we accept each and every dog as a
unique being with a unique set of needs and nuances.

Rita expertly and eloquently explains the effective uses of dozens of herbal medicines, and she does so from a understanding of the natural system they represent. This book accurately conveys that a plant’s healing power comes the system of wellness that nature has instilled in all living beings.”
— Greg Tilford, Author of Herbs For Pets

Rita Hogan has an incredible understanding of herbal medicine, and I have heard many accolades from clients who have consulted with her on
difficult cases. She has an excellent ability to break down the science of
herbal therapy into easy-to-understand information.
— Judy Morgan, DVM,
You will be elated by The Herbal Dog as a comprehensive resource that provides extensive plant monographs, herbal applications, and practical protocols for dozens of conditions, including the most
common ailments affecting our canine companions. This book is a welcome, wonderful resource for guardians who want to use plants as wise medicine
— Karen Shaw Becker, DVM, and Rodney Habib, authors of The Forever Dog and The Forever Dog Life


Helping dogs and people find balance and partnership with nature through canine herbalism.

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