Ash Fraxinus excelsior Buds - free.jpg
Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Beech Fagus sylvatica
Beech (Fagus sylvatica) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus - free.jpg
Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Blackberry Rubus Fructicosus
Blackberry (Rubus fructicosus) Gemmotherapy 1:200
Black Currant Buds - free.jpg
Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) Gemmotherapy 1:200
sold out
Black Currant Buds - free.jpg
Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Black Elder Sambucus Nigra Buds - free.jpg
Black Elder (Sambucus nigra) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Black Mulberry Morus nigra Tree
Black Mulberry (Morus nigra) Gemmotherapy 1:200
Black Poplar Populus nigra Branch with Buds - free.jpg
Black Poplar (Populus nigra) 1:200 Gemmotherapy
Black Poplar Populus nigra Buds - free.jpg
Black Poplar (Populus nigra) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Boxwood Buxus sempervirens - free.jpg
Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Bramble Rubus fruticosus Bud - free.jpg
Bramble (Rubus fruticosus) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Dog Rose Rosa canina - free.jpg
Briar Rose (Rosa canina) Gemmotherapy 1:200
Mullein Monograph(1).png
Calendula (Calendula officinalis) Phytoembryonic Therapy
California Poppy Eschscholzia californica Bud - free.jpg
California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Cedrus Lebani - free.jpg
Cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Cedrus Lebani - free.jpg
Cedars of Lebanon (Cedrus libani) Gemmotherapy 1:200
Cowberry / Wine berry (Vaccinium vitis idaea) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Cowberry : Lingonberry : Wine Berry - free.jpg
Cowberry / Wine Berry (Vaccinium vitis idaea) Gemmotherapy 1:200
Crab Apple Malus pulima Buds - free.jpg
Crab Apple (Malus sylvestris) Phytoembryonic Therapy
cramp bakr.jpg
Cramp Bark (Viburnum opulus) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Dandelion Taraxacum officinale - free.jpg
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Cornus sanguinea buds - free.jpg
Dogwood (Cornus sanguinea) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Echinacae Echinacea purpurea Bud - free.jpg
Echinacea / Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) Phytoembryonic Therapy
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Elecampane (Inula helenium) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Elm Buds - free.jpg
Elm (Ulmus campestris) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Budding European Alder Alnus glutinosa
European Alder (Alnus glutinosa) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Eyebright (Euphrasia rostkoviana) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Field Maple Acer campestre Buds - free.jpg
Field Maple (Acer campestre) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Fig Ficus Tree with Buds -  free.jpg
Fig (Ficus carica L.) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Giant Redwood (Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl.) J. Buchholz) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Grape Vine (Vitis Vinifera L.) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Grapevine Buds - free.jpg
Grapevine ( Vitis vinifera) Gemmotherapy 1:200
Grey Alder Alnus incana Buds - free.jpg
Grey Alder (Alnus incana) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Hawthorn Buds - free.jpg
Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha Medicus) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Hazel Corylus avellana - free.jpg
Hazel (Corylus avellana) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Heather (Calluna vulgaris L.) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Hedge Maple Acer campestre Bud - free.jpg
Hedge Maple (Acer campestre) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Hemp / Cannflavins (Cannabis Sativa L.) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Holly - Ilex aquifolium - free.jpg
Holly (Ilex aquifolium) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Hornbeam Carpinus betulus buds - free.jpg
Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Horse Chestnut Aesculus hippocastanum Budding - free.jpg
Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Horsetail Equisetum arvense Shoots - free.jpg
Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Judas Tree - free.jpg
Judas Tree (Cercis siliquastrum) Phytoembryonic Therapy 1:10
Juniper Juniperus communis - free.jpg
Juniper (Juniperus communis) Phytoembryonic Therapy 1:20
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Juniper (Juniperus communis) Gemmotherapy 1:200
Lemon Tree Citrus limonum
Lemon Tree (Citrus limonum) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Lilac Syringa vulgaris Buds - free.jpg
Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Linden Tree : Lime Tree : Tilia tomentosa - free.jpg
Linden Tree / Lime Tree (Tilia tomentosa) Gemmotherapy / 1:200
Linden Tree : Lime Tree : Tilia tomentosa - free.jpg
Linden Tree / Silver Lime / Lime Tree (Tilia tomentosa) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Liver with Microscope - free.png
Liver Support (Detox) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Ginkgo Biloba - free.jpg
Maidenhair Tree (Ginkgo Biloba) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Maize Zea mays Germinating Seed - free.jpg
Maize (Zea mays) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Marigold (Calendula officinalis) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Maritime Pine Piinus pinaster - free.jpg
Maritime Pine (Pinus pinaster) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Milk Thistle Buds - free.jpg
Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Mistletoe Viscum album Young Shoots - free.jpg
Mistletoe (Viscum album) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Mountain Elm Ulmus glabra - free.jpg
Mountain Elm (Ulmus glabra) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Mountain Pine (Pinus montana) Gemmotherapy 1:200
Mountain Pine Pinus montana - free.jpeg
Mountain Pine (Pinus montana) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Stinging Nettle Urtica dioica Buds - free.jpg
Nettle (Urtica dioica) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Oak Quercus pedunculata robur - free.jpg
Oak (Quercus pedunculata robur) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Olive Olea europaea buds.jpg
Olive (Olea europaea) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Oriental Plane Tree - free.jpg
Oriental Plane Tree (Platanus orientalis) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Passiflora incarnata - free.jpg
Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Plantain Plantago major
Plantain (Plantago major) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Primworth (Ligustrum vulgare) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Privet Ligustrum vulgare Young Shoots - free.jpg
Privet (Ligustrum vulgare) Gemmotherapy 1:200
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Propolis (Bee glue) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Raspberry Shoots - free.jpg
Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Raspberry Rubus idaeus Shoot - free.jpg
Red Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) Gemmotherapy 1:200
arnica 12.08.16 PM.jpg
Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Rosemary Shoots - free.jpg
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Rye Secale cereale Germinating Seeds
Rye (Secale cereale) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Scotch Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Service Tree Sorbus domestica
Service Tree (Sorbus domestica) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Silver Birch Betula verrucosa Budding - free.jpg
Silver Birch (Betula verrucosa) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Silver Fir Abies pectinata - free.jpg
Silver Fir (Abies pectinata) Phytoembryonic Therapy
St. John's Wort Hypericum perforatum
St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Sweet Almond Tree Branch - free.jpg
Sweet Almond (Prunus amygdalus) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Sweet Chestnut Castanea vesca - free.jpg
Sweet Chestnut (Castanea vesca) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Tamarisk Tamarix gallica - free.jpg
Tamarisk (Tamarix gallica) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Fall Virgina Creeper - free.jpg
Virginia Creeper (Ampelopsis veitchii) Phytoembryonic Therapy
English Walnut Juglans regia Buds - free.jpg
English Walnut (Juglans regia) Gemmotherapy 1:200
Walnut (Juglans regia) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Wayfarring Tree : Lithy Tree Viburnum lantana Buds - free .jpg
Wayfarring Tree / Lithy Tree (Viburnum lantana) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Wayfarring Tree : Lithy Tree Viburnum lantana Buds - free .jpg
Wayfarring Tree / Lithy Tree (Viburnum lantana) - Gemmotherapy 1:200
Wheatgrass - free.jpg
Wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum) Phytoembryonic Therapy
White Birch Betula pubescens Buds - free.jpg
White Birch (Betula pubescens) Phytoembryonic Therapy
White Birch Betula pubescens Buds - free.jpg
White Birch (Betula pubescens) Gemmotherapy 1:200
White Willows Salix alba - free.jpg
White Willow (Salix alba) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Artemisia absinthium_flower.jpg
Wormwood (Artemisia annua) Phytoembryonic Therapy
Yarrow Shoot - free.jpg
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) Phytoembryonic Therapy